Comprehensive Control
Pneutrol are one of the leading manufacturers of Automatic Concrete Batching Control Systems in the UK and Ireland.
With over 1800 systems installed worldwide, we have earned a reputation for high quality systems and service with superior customer support.
Some of the key features of our Batching Control software are listed below:-
Running Screen
The running screen allows you to oversee the entire batch process, giving your operator all the information they need to effectively, efficiently and easily manage your plant. Not only that, but our systems allow you to:
✓ Pause the batching process at any time
✓ See an overview of the weigher’s status
✓ See an overview of mixer/holding hopper status and moisture contents
✓ See a drop report summary in real time, as they are completed
✓ Upon activation of our continuous batch facility, multiple loads can be tracked simultaneously through the system
✓ Comparisons can be made between ideal and actual batch weighments

Mimic/Manual Control
The Dynamix Control System allows complete manual control of the plant on your personal computer.
✓2D/3D Mimic displaying each process in a visual representation of the plant
✓Easily switch between Automatic and Manual with one click
✓Instantly determine what process the plant is in
✓Hover over objects for control buttons to appear for manual interventions
✓Weight indication displayed for each weigher
✓Semi-Automatic weigh mode

Job Screen
The operator can add multiple jobs onto the job screen for the coming days.
✓Jobs can be added onto the system with customer’s details – site address, account no, etc.
✓Jobs can be added onto the Load Queue when ready for batching
✓Operator can keep track of all job times with the timeline
✓The system can be configured so only certain recipes can be selected per site
Accounts Integration
Ability to link into numerous accounts, packages and shipping systems, to enable the seamless transfer of batch data, eliminating the time-consuming double entry of information. This provides you with real-time accounts invoicing.
✓Link numerous packages and shipping systems
✓Enable transfer of batch datta
✓Eliminating the time-consuming double entry of information
✓Real-time accounts invoicing
Our self-learning system will constantly and automatically monitor and record data, while working, in order to achieve higher levels of accuracy. In order to achieve this, the following features have been implemented:
✓Automatic inflight compensation
✓Automatic dynamic job
✓Automatic tolerance checking when weighing up
✓Two/three stage control when weighing to further improve accuracy
✓Stock accuracy - the recipe targets are compared to the actual weights to give a percentage error
✓Water slump control
Reporting & Taking Stock
The Dynamix Control System has reporting mechanisms for all encompassing reports relevant to your plant. Report production, tracking of stock and stock management has never been easier.
✓Detailed and informative production logs
✓Material usage - indicates the ideal and actual usages as well as the percentage error
✓Full stock inventory
✓Event logs i.e. change history, record loads added and monitor stock adjustments, detailing date, time and the current user
✓Record of stock accuracy
✓Recipe usage
✓All reports can be saved as a PDF, TEXT, XML, or Excel documents
Multi-User Access
Using our system, you can have up to ten users connected independently and simultaneously. All of these users can be connected at the same time with full access or with user configured access to limit what they can do and see.
✓Managers can connect to view plant performance and efficiency
✓Technical engineers can connect to view faults and downtime
✓Lab technicians can connect to modify recipes
✓Accounts personnel can connect to view production or print reports
✓Procurement staff can connect to view stock and reorder materials
✓Other plant operators can connect to batch remotely if a local operator is sick or unavailable
Wireless Innovation
Dynamix utilises the latest Batching Control Topology to provide users with the flexibility of the wireless world. With our optimised communication protocol, we can offer users the ability to control and view the batching control process wirelessly throughout the plant.

Forklift Operator & Loading Shovel
Is your forklift operator constantly getting in and out of the cab to look at the infeed control or batching system? With Mobile Dynamix you can have full control of the system from anywhere in the batching yard.
The Loading shovel driver can manually or automatically select which bin to fill or view plant alarms and the forklift operator can adjust the water, change the batching recipe and accept plant alarms all from the comfort of the cab using Mobile Dynamix.

Multi-Screen Capability
The Dynamix Graphics engine allows users the ability to configure multiple screens to show vital information in a clear and concise format. The user can seamlessly move the mouse across multiple screens to select and enter data whilst keeping an eye on the time critical loading process.

Remote Access
The Dynamix Control System comes fully loaded with remote access for both management and our own PIL technical experts, who can connect and solve your problems without ever having to visit, saving you time and disturbances to operation.
✓PIL Technicians can interrogate the system and assist in fault finding, viewing and analysis from our headquarters
✓PIL Technicians can download new software update
✓Management and accounts staff can view and receive production reports from their own offices whenever they need it
✓The system can be started from a remote interface

Flexibility & Control
The Control System offers total flexibility while maintaining unrivalled control. The plant is fully configurable via the plant setup menu. The system contains a number of features, for example:
✓Intelligent vibrator control
✓Drive speeds can be easily altered
✓System times can be altered instantly, i.e., drain times, discharge delay times, run times, etc.
✓Ribbon discharge
✓Feeder weigh order
✓Delayed delivery of water
✓Bin standby allowing you to select alternative bins to be used as backup
✓Level control allowing easy alterations to call levels
✓Manual or automatic moisture setup
✓Separate job time setup and inflight table for small batches
Get in Touch
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Reach us at or call our team today!